Match Points - Venus and Mars ~ 17 Feb 2015

Venus and Mars, now in orb of conjunction, prepare for exact alignment in roughly four days, occurring in the infant degrees of Aries. Now both planets linger late in Pisces, offering a spectacular sunset view. From their Piscean perspectives they square the core of our galaxy. In that core stand galactic insights and creative morsels good for the grabbing by those extending into the heavens with openness and awe. That’s what a blazing planetary display after sundown intends to do... capture attention, inspire imagination and restore awe.

When Venus and Mars match the best points they bring to the congregation, they are in virtual (as contrasted with literal) opposition to the nucleus of the collection of galaxies that compromises our super galaxy (2 Libra 16). By virtue of heliocentric orbital mechanics, the Super Galactic Center (ZS) is square to the perihelion of Saturn and conjoined with the aphelion of Haumea.

The perihelion of Saturn emphasizes the urgency of all things Saturn. A perihelion point is energized with the motivation to overcome life’s inertia. Apathy and lethargy must be set aside and the enthusiasm for setting the backbone of creativity in place - structure - must be claimed.

The aphelion of Haumea encourages the establishment of retrospective safe places and spaces where one can tranquilly conjure and create with no concern of external interference.

With the reflective process complete, one can embrace the tasks of setting up a well-planned pursuit of creativity, talent and skill. With the alignments here to the ZS point, the gravitational grasp is inescapable once intent is established - exactly as it should be wanted. Focus and saturated involvement should be anticipated as status quo, once pursuit of the influences rendered by the orbital elements of Saturn and Haumea is established.

Then there’s Venus and Mars. Mars offers the impulse to act. Once in Aries, self referential, soulfully preferential tasks will be the tickets drawing the stamp of Mars. Venus offers up consideration of inner merit. She goes back to defining talent and one’s core attributes, as well as one’s belief in those core attributes. Truly this conjunction marks an era of maintaining deaf ears to the naysayers. There are always those willing to offer up imagined obstacles to an aspiration that stretches beyond their zone of comfort. Recognize your talents and abilities. Apply them with gusto and unabated abandon, ignoring external interference. Go for it as if there is no tomorrow. That’s not to say there is no tomorrow; it’s to say that when entering the domain of a supermassive black hole as ZS is believed to be, there exists only timelessness.

In the zone, dialed in, head down, focused and intent upon manifestation of soul urges one may proceed without a sense of deadlines, time confinements, and resource limits. Similarly, delete from consideration the fears of those seeking to derail ones creative destiny track.

Yes, there is a solipsism to this conjunction. And it’s a good thing.

ZS is a point that symbolizes the bonding and complete fusion of soul to ego. With complete integration between the essence of one’s spirit, one’s conscious attention and ones consciousness, a powerful, unstoppable creative intent magically drives the nucleus of ones being... exactly as it should.

The upcoming conjunction of Venus and Mars opposing the Super Galactic Center constitutes an era in which one must fall into like, love, admiration, respect and adoration with every aspect of ones being. Back in the buzz phrase metaphysics prevailing late in the last century, it was often said, “what you think of me is none of my business.” True that. Even truer in a ZS context, “what you think of you is everything... and those perceptions are only your business.”

A juicy interval of self reflection looms on the immediate horizon. To prepare:

Extract every amazing idea that drifts by you that smells of galactic greatness.

Hone those ideas and wrap your creative skills around them.

Intend that those ideas will be applied with unlimited gusto as soon as realignment occurs.


Create visualizations in which you locate yourself on the road of life.

Offer yourself warm salutations and sit with yourself a spell to discuss agendas and intentions.

Dive into the core of your being. Try entering yourself through your crown. Then enter through your heart... your guts... the palms of your hands. Haumea, part of the celestial matrix in play, birthed her children from multiple parts of her body. You can enter and rebirth through any portal you may imagine.

When deep inside, find the silver cord that is the tether to life itself. Grasp it intentionally and feel your essence spread within your being until complete immersion is complete.

Now, for those who cannot be bothered with such imagery when Mars is in play: Get clear on your gifts. Get good with those gifts. And get good with the going. There’s no time like now to make hay. The game of life is in session. In this round, it is a match point... the match point of Venus and Mars with ZS... the match point of you with you and with all that you are.

It is said that those pleased with their creative expression tend to reek of tranquility, contentment and peacefulness. It is said that those traits are contagious. It is time to fuel the epidemic of excellence from your creative core.

More soon.